Developed by a team of language experts, TELL ME MORE. Tell Me More Language Course Software Tell Me More is a virtual language teacher software, used by individuals, language schools, universities and corporations around the world.Tell Me More is a complete learning solution which focuses on reading, writing, listening, and pronunciation with over 750 hours of material. The new TELL ME MORE version 10 is a true milestone in language learning. Utility squares will allow you to control the city’s energy, water, or internet supply and the Train Stations will allow you to charge your rivals to journey around the board while you get to travel for free! Don’t forget to avoid Jail, though… you’ll have to escape if you want to avoid the bail. TELL ME MORE is a global leader in language learning software, with more than 7 million satisfied users worldwide including prestigious academic institutions, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies. Some properties have special abilities that will be important in your journey to becoming the ultimate capitalist. It covers all the skills to learn English: reading and writing, listening and speaking, grammar, vocabulary, and culture. Each course contains over 40 different activities and dozens of hours of video material. TeLL me More now has more than 5 million satisfied users worldwide. Incredibly extensive - The TELL ME MORE approach has virtually everything that you could want in a language learning course including adaptive learning, video tutorials, games, reading, audio learning and voice recognition. You’ll need to use your properties and cards tactically to make as much money as possible. TeLL me More, the worlds leading software for language learning, is valued by users and teachers alike for its speech recognition technology and personalized language courses. Perhaps you’ll choose to take a Community Chest Card, or maybe manage your finances, or perhaps choose to build a house on a property you own (easier said than done). If it’s not your turn to roll the die, you’ll receive a Chance Card have an opportunity to take a strategy turn. If you are successful in completing the challenge, you’ll buy the property and retain the property card! If not, it will be auctioned off for one of the other teams to swoop in and take it… If the property you land on isn’t owned then you’ll have an opportunity to buy it but, this is real life, it’s not as easy as just paying the money – there are hoops to jump through! A number of your team members will enter the property through a door off the board and complete a short challenge within the space with the rest of the team watching on. When the countdown finishes, the game begins! If it’s your turn to do so, you’ll roll the die and move accordingly. Lost In Love-Somebody tell me I cant explain Why are you here in Falling rain Why are you with me But youre not mine Why do we waist our time And I. As the countdown winds its way down to the start, you’ll have an opportunity to take in your surroundings as you step onto your game board for the first time.